I went out with my wife to ETC Steakhouse in Teaneck this past week.
ETC makes you proud to live in Teaneck. I must admit that when it first opened I gave it six months. I figured, who would want to spend those prices for a Teaneck steakhouse when you can go to the top tier places in NYC for only 15% more.
Boy, was I wrong.
The first thing they did right was run some massive online coupon promotions. They participated with every known provider and gave some serious shekels off the bill. That brought them instant cash flow (since you prepay for them) to make sure they have a spotless, immaculately renovated restaurant.
Their menu is concise and ever changing. The staff is young, but professional. They are well groomed, identically dressed and they actually look like they care. It's not the standard Israeli girl with a low cut shirt and 4 earrings doing you a favor in between chatting with her friend at the register (see Sushi Metsuyan if unsure).
The place was packed and people were turned away. I didn’t recognize many of the people in there, and thought I smelled a little Monsey, which is how you know it's doing well when people travel to Teaneck to pay those prices.
Many people have told me they like ETC because it is the same quality as the top tier NYC shops without the schlep, tolls, gas, parking and 2 more hours on the babysitter clock. Add that to the coupon and you’ve got a great meal at a great price.
A warning - stay away from the “fillet.” It's a generic piece of meat with little flavor meant to appease the picky people. If you want to taste some great food, go with the favorable three peppercorn steak. Anybody who eats there knows that the chocolate ribs are a must.
The dessert menu is one of the best around for a meat establishment. Not only that, the chef changes up that part of the menu too. No need to stare at the same cement based cake on the menu any longer!
One other disappointment - can it kill them to have some more diet drinks on the menu? Thanks for offering Dr Brown’s, but did you know they sell diet too?
ETC Steakhouse-
201-357-5677, Palisades Avenue, Teaneck